The snow is completely gone. Only a few customers have come in.

By the way, I say, my last day is the eighteenth.

My boss sends me a frowny face.

I’m feeling so sad, nervous, scared, weird.

It’s okay, says the holy ghost. You’ve got to keep moving. North. Even if it’s West. You’ve got to keep moving.

I’ve got to keep moving, I tell my boss.

Yeah you do, he says. You’ve been sitting at that desk a lot recently. I’ve seen it on the cameras. What are you working on?

Just Bernie Sanders stuff. Employee manuals for my replacement. Social media. Everything good. I have not been writing about you. Hank says that’s not such a good idea. I mean, he’s on board with the project, but he had mentioned something about you not taking things like that so lightly. So, let’s just keep that between us, okay?

Of course.

I know that he’s talked, not necessarily about me. But about others. And everything goes out the window once I’m gone. That’s how the world works. There’s not much you can do about it. It’s human nature. We love to gossip. Talking behind each others’ backs is our preferred way of talking about each other.

C’est la vie. You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do when it comes to the craft.

Speaking of which, my next goal is to get into the dark wizard society. It’s going to take soul, passion, and proof that I’m the real deal. Clubs like this require you to pay your way in with the blood of your bladed days, and boy do I have enough. I’ve been at Maudlin House, Moloko House, The Talking Book. And that’s only within the last month. I’ve got miles of words. I could cross the country on my pages. I’m very prolific. Everybody tells me so. It’s a word that sounds better than it is. People can have a ton of words, but all the words can be crap.

Anyways, we’ll see if my words are enough for them. Hopefully I don’t make them sick.  You’ve just gotta keep working. Keep heading North. Build that resume. Build yourself. I’m somewhere around 275 followers on Twitter. Quite a bit less than I had on ello, but this is a whole different ball game. You’ve got to keep moving North. Keep advancing. Change things up. Make what’s next.

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